Elections for the Executive Committee of the Employees Pride Network

The Employee Pride Network (EPN) is conducting an electronic election process to fill fourteen (14) National Executive Committee positions for a two-year duration.

Current Status

The Nominations period closed on November 9, 2021.

The Diversity and Inclusion Team, in collaboration with the Electoral Officer, is currently in the process of reviewing the milestones for the electoral process. All the next timelines will be subject to change and the current page will be updated accordingly in the following week.

  • Eligibility

    Membership to Employee Pride Network (EPN) is voluntary and open to all ESDC employees who share the common goal of a diverse and inclusive workplace however, only members of the EPN who self-identify as “LGBTQ2+”can run for an executive position.

    You must be a member of the EPN to be eligible to cast a ballot.

    If you wish to become a member, please send your request by November 25 to na-reseaunetwork_fierte-pride-gd@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca.

  • Executive Committee Positions

    Positions available for election are:

    1. Co-Chair
    2. Secretary
    3. Treasurer
    4. Communication officer
    5. Two (2) Atlantic Regional Representative
    6. Two (2) National Capital Region Representative
    7. Two (2) Ontario Regional Representative
    8. Two (2) Quebec Regional Representative
    9. Two (2) Western Canada and Territories Regional Representative

    Each region should have one (1) Cisgender Representative and one (1) Transgender or Gender Diverse Representative.

    *Should no self-identified trans, non-binary or gender diverse member put themselves forward for election, the seat will be given to the candidate with the next highest number of votes.

    Note: Chair positions will now be full-time and will be appointed following a nomination process in collaboration with the respective Network Champion and the Network. As a result, the EPN Chair position will be subject to an appointment process this winter.

  • Key Dates and Activities

    The principal milestones of the election process with anticipated timeline is currently under review:

  • Mandate

    The Employee Pride Network (EPN) is an employee-led forum for all ESDC employees across the country. The mandate of the Network is to:

    • Provide a safe forum for LGBTQ2+ employees to connect and discuss topics and issues related to the promotion of a healthy and inclusive work environment.
    • Raise awareness and serve as a consultative body on issues that impact LGBTQ2+ employees.
    • Assist the department to deliver on its commitment for diversity and inclusiveness in the workplace.
    • Be a consultative body for departmental initiatives.
  • Application process

    If you are interested to submit your candidacy, please provide us with the following information:

    • Application and Authorization Form
      • Complete the Application and Authorization Form. Please note that you must have the support of your immediate supervisor.
    • Biography
      • Submit a biography of no more than one hundred and fifty (150) words in Words format, which explains why you should be elected.
      • If you wish to add a photograph of yourself with your biography, please complete the attached Consent and Release form in order to respect the Privacy Notice and to grant us the right to publish it.
      • You can also choose to add an image to your biography. In order to respect the copyrights, make sure you have the proper authorizations.
      • The candidate's biography's will be posted on the Employee Pride Network page.
    • Experience Required Form
      • Please complete the Experience Required Form.

    In order to be considered, you must send your biography and the completed forms to the following General Mailbox na-diversite-ee-diversity-gd@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca by 11:59 pm (Eastern Time) on November 9, 2021.

    Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that your application is completed and supporting documents are received by the deadline. Candidates that do not respect the deadline or has incomplete documentation will not be considered further.

    A confirmation message will be sent to the candidates to confirm that their application has been received by the Diversity and Inclusion Team.

    * Please note that the required forms have been sent to eligible members. If you are a member of the Employee Pride Network and have not received the forms, please send a request to the Diversity and Inclusion general box at: na-diversite-ee-diversity-gd@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca

  • Voting Period

    Voting period is currently under review.

    The votes will be collected electronically, and further details on the voting process will be sent out in a separate email to all eligible voters.

  • Appeal Period

    The appeal period is currently under review. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send your enquiries to the general information email at: na-diversite-ee-diversity-gd@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca.

Election Officer

Cassandra Andruchow was chosen by the members of the executive committee of the Employees Pride Network to be the election officer for the 2021 elections.
The responsibilities of the Election Officer are:

  • provide support to the Diversity and Inclusion team and the Network Champion;
  • answer questions about the election process and the network;
  • contribute in the nomination, election and appeal reports;
  • ensure integrity and respect of ESDC Code of Conduct throughout the election process.

For more information please visit the Diversity Network Executive Committees – FAQ

If you have any further questions about the election process or any other comments for the Elections Officer, please contact the Diversity and Inclusion general box at: na-diversite-ee-diversity-gd@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca.

Thank you for your ongoing interest and support to ESDC's Employees Pride Network.

Good luck to all the candidates!

Further details on the election process will be sent to eligible members in a separate email in the coming weeks.